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The City of Westminster & Lambeth Reach

River Cruises with Thames River Sightseeing

Cruising from Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier & Greenwich Pier

A visit to London isn’t complete without a cruise on the River Thames. Thames River Sightseeing operate regular services from five piers on the River Thames including Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier e molo di Greenwich. Thames River Sightseeing opera 361 giorni all'anno con una flotta di navi per tutte le stagioni con ampi ponti aperti perfetti per i mesi estivi e saloni riscaldati con finestre panoramiche per i mesi più freddi. Le navi vanno dalle più tradizionali navi passeggeri del Tamigi (London Rose) a navi più moderne costruite appositamente per il fiume Tamigi (Thomas Doggett).

Passengers can embark at Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier or Greenwich & take advantage of a range of ticketing options. Single tickets are suited for day trippers or passengers travelling in or out of London & return tickets allow passengers to disembark & explore before joining a return sailing later the same day. A 2 Day River Pass is the perfect option for anyone visiting London over multiple days. A River Pass allows unlimited travel on our services for just £21.00 per adult, a family River Pass is just £42.00 (per 2 Adulti + 3 Bambini).

Thames River Sightseeing offre anche eccellenti tariffe e sconti per gruppi, perfetti per famiglie, compagnie turistiche o operatori turistici. Servizi igienici e un'audioguida multilingue sono disponibili su tutte le partenze. L'audioguida multilingue è un commento informativo disponibile tramite il nostro Wi-Fi di bordo in inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo o mandarino (Dispositivo intelligente e cuffie non sono forniti, Leggi di più).

Perché scegliere Thames River Sightseeing

  • Imbarcazioni turistiche moderne e tradizionali con ponti scoperti, saloni riscaldati e servizi igienici.
  • Partenze regolari: Attualmente ogni 40 minuti.
  • I bar caffetteria a bordo sono aperti il ​​sabato e la domenica e servono bevande calde, bibite analcoliche, bevande alcoliche e snack leggeri. Alcune partenze tra il lunedì e il venerdì potrebbero avere anche un rinfresco disponibile. (Per saperne di più)
  • Scenic cruises between Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier & Greenwich Pier passing more than 44 London landmarks.
  • Audioguida Wi-Fi disponibile in inglese, spagnolo, francese, italiano, tedesco e mandarino. (Dispositivo intelligente e cuffie non sono forniti, Leggi di più)


Thames River Sightseeing Rotta

We are currently operating 7-days a week calling at Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier & Greenwich Pier.

Moli sulle nostre rotte
Molo di Westminster (Camere del Parlamento)
Pontile di Embankment (Charing Cross, Villiers Street e Strand)
Pontile di Festival (Royal Festival Hall e South Bank Centre)
Pontile di Bankside (Globe Theatre e Tate Modern)
Pontile di Greenwich (Cutty Sark)

Sightseeing by Boat

Our two services call at six piers across London providing a unique link between London’s top attractions.

Travel London by Boat

Our cruises are perfect for sightseeing however if you are travelling in or out of London our services may make a  more practical alternative to the train, tube or river bus. With services every 30-60 minutes & large, open passenger boats we provide a stress-free experience travelling across London.

If you are travelling from Greenwich to London our service only calls at Tower Bridge Quay & Westminster Pier allowing fast journey times with no stops or changes. A journey from Greenwich to Tower Bridge Quay is just 20-30 minutes* & the journey from Greenwich to Westminster is just under 1 hour*.

All of our boats have outdoor seating in the fresh air on the open deck & plenty of space to social distance. Some of our sailings also feature fully licensed bars, we recommend checking with our ticket office on your day of travel to check availability of bar services.

Thames River Sightseeing operate services between Westminster Pier, Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, Bankside Pier, Tower Bridge Quay (Molo di Santa Caterina) & Greenwich Pier.

Our all weather boats have interior seating & open decks making them perfect for sightseeing or just transportation.

Selezione rapida


Westminster Pier is located on the North shore of the River Thames in the City of Westminster. The pier is a short walk from the Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament), Westminster Abbey & St. Margaret’s Church (A UNESCO World Heritage Site). Numerous museums & landmarks are within walking distance of Westminster Pier including the Banqueting House, Household Cavalry Museum, the National Gallery & the London Eye.

L'Embankment Pier si trova sulla sponda nord del Tamigi, vicino al ponte ferroviario di Charing Cross e alla stazione di Embankment.

L'Embankment Pier si trova a pochi passi dal Westminster Pier, da Villiers Street, dallo Strand e da una serie di famosi punti di riferimento.

Festival Pier is located on the south shore of the River Thames next to Royal Festival Hall in the heart of the Soutbank Centre. The National Theatre, London Eye, OXO Tower Wharf, & County Hall (Home to the London Aquarium, London Dungeon, Shrek’s Adventure and more) are only a few minutes from Festival Pier. Festival Pier is popular with corporate & private charters, our daytime sightseeing cruises with Thames River Sightseeing also call at Festival Pier.

Bankside Pier si trova sulla sponda meridionale del Tamigi vicino al Millennium Bridge all'interno del London Borough of Southwark. Bankside si estende dal Blackfriars Railway Bridge fino al confine di London Bridge City ed è uno dei nuovi luoghi turistici di Londra. Bankside e l'area circostante ospitano una varietà di attrazioni storiche e contemporanee tra cui il Borough Market, la Southwark Cathedral, il Clink Prison Museum, il Golden Hinde II, il Globe di Shakespeare, la Tate Modern, la Bankside Gallery e il Millennium Bridge. Bankside è anche sede di numerosi ristoranti, pub, bar lungo il fiume e si trova a pochi passi da London Bridge City, dalla City di Londra e da South Bank.

Tower Bridge Quay (formerly St. Katharine Pier) is located on the North shore of the River Thames at St. Katharine Dock, a short walk from the UNESCO World Heritage Site at the Tower of London. The dock opened in 1828 & was once popular with expensive cargo’s from around the world including ivory, shells, sugar, marble, wines, fragrant spices & perfumes. Today St. Katharine’s is a haven for yachts & historic vessels including traditional Thames sailing barges. A wide range of cafes, bars & restaurants are located at St. Katharine’s & regular food markets also take place throughout the week.

Greenwich Pier is located on the South shore of the River Thames in Maritime Greenwich, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The pier sits between the famous tea clipper Cutty Sark & Sir Christopher Wren’s Riverside Masterpiece, the Old Royal Naval College. Today the Royal Borough of Greenwich is an eclectic mix of historical & modern buildings. Greenwich town centre is home to a collection of museums, pubs, restaurants, markets & shops.

Click the link below to view the timetable on the Thames River Sightseeing Website.

Thames River Sightseeing Enquiries

Please note our sailing times can vary due to the weather, tides & traffic on the River.

Thames River Sightseeing Enquiries

Please note our sailing times can vary due to the weather, tides & traffic on the River.
