Sunday Evening Cruise Tickets

Informazioni Sulla Crociera

We have been operating our 2-Hour Sunday Evening Cruise for over 30 years, it’s London’s oldest evening cruise & departs from Greenwich Pier (by the Cutty Sark) every Sunday from May until September. Our evening cruises operate from 19:00 – 21:00 during May, June, July & August & 18:30 – 20:30 in September. The cruise travels upriver from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, passing Docklands & underneath Tower Bridge before cruising through the City of London & City of Westminster. We travel as far as time & tide allow before turning & cruising back to Greenwich.

Prezzi del Biglietto

Adulto | £10.00 (16-59 Anni)

Concessione* | £8.00

Bambino | £6.00 (6-15 Anni)

Biglietto Risparmio

£27,00 (2 Adulti + 2 Bambini (Risparmia £5,00)

£32,10 (2 Adulti + 3 Bambini (Risparmia £5,00)

Neonato | £0.00

(I bambini di età pari o inferiore a 5 anni viaggiano gratuitamente ma, a causa del numero limitato di passeggeri, tutti i neonati richiedono un biglietto per neonati per salire a bordo della nave.)

May 2020

June 2020

July 2020

August 2020

September 2020

Boarding, Departure & Return Times are ‘approximate’ times and cannot be guaranteed, times can be affected by weather, tides, high volumes of traffic on the river/piers & river closures issued by the Port Authority.

Click the button below to view our full Terms & Conditions.

View Sunday Evening Cruise Terms & Conditions

Download Sunday Evening Cruise Brochure: English | Français | Deutsche | Español
