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"Boote für jeden Anlass."

Bankside Pier to Tower Bridge Quay (St. Katharine Pier)

A scenic cruise from Bankside Pier to Tower Bridge.

Cruise from Bankside Pier to Tower Bridge Quay & explore St. Katharine Dock & the Tower of London* in your own time. After your visit return to Bankside by cruising to Westminster Pier & change for the next service to Bankside*. Alternatively you can make your own way back to Bankside on foot or via Transport for London Services.

We operate regular services during the day & your tickets can be used on any sailing. Click the link below to view the timetable on the Thames River Sightseeing Website.

Our cruises from Tower Bridge Quay to Westminster Pier do not stop at Bankside Pier. To return to Bankside passengers must change vessel at Westminster Pier & continue their journey downriver or walk from Tower Bridge Quay to Bankside (1.2 Miles / 26 Minute Walk (via Tower Bridge). Don’t forget to check the last departures from Tower Bridge Quay to Westminster & Westminster to Bankside.


Ihr Ticket ist ein offenes Ticket und kann auf jeder Fahrt auf Ihrer gewählten Route und Ihrem Datum verwendet werden.

With a Return Ticket passengers can disembark at Greenwich Pier & return to Tower Bridge on a later sailing. Don’t forget to check our return times online & with our pier team on the day.

Bitte beachten Sie: Bankside Pier is currently only available for disembark. Passengers can join our services from Festival Pier (a 20-minute walk from Bankside) & Tower Bridge Quay (a 24-minute walk from Bankside Pier).


Alle unsere Kreuzfahrten finden an Bord geräumiger Passagierschiffe mit beheiztem Innenraum und offenen Decks statt. 

Die Café-Bars an Bord sind samstags und sonntags geöffnet und servieren heiße Getränke, alkoholfreie Getränke, alkoholische Getränke und leichte Snacks. Bei einigen Abfahrten zwischen Montag und Freitag können auch Erfrischungen angeboten werden. (Weiterlesen)

Über die Kreuzfahrt

Join us for a 5-10 Minute (Single) or 1 Hour (Return*) trip from Bankside Pier to Tower Bridge Quay (St. Katharine Pier). The cruise departs Bankside Pier & travels downriver through the City of London before passing beneath Tower Bridge & arriving at Tower Bridge Quay.

During the cruise we pass beneath a number of London’s iconic bridges including the Millennium Bridge, London Bridge & Tower Bridge & pass more than 22 of London’s famous riverside landmarks including the St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Shard, HMS Belfast & the Tower of London.

After passing the Tower of London the cruise will continue beneath Tower Bridge before calling at Tower Bridge Quay to disembark passengers.



Dauer der Kreuzfahrt Einzelfahrt 5-10 Minute Cruise
Dauer der Kreuzfahrt Rückreise 2-Stündige Kreuzfahrt*


Erwachsene: Single: £7.70 / Return: £15.40

Kind: Single: £3.85 / Return: £7.70

Senior: Single: £4.50 / Return: £9.00

Gruppen und Geschäftsreisen

Thames River Sightseeing offer a 15% discount on groups of 15 or more passengers. The group discount is automatically applied. Click the link below to learn more about booking a group with us.

Kreuzfahrt Galerie
