The Illuminated River Project
The Illuminated River Project is an extensive art project incorporating fifteen of London’s iconic bridges. Leo Villareal have designed elegant lighting to adorn each bridge & bring overlooked features to life such as the Vauxhall Bridge’s bronze statues & Westminster Bridge’s intricate design. The first four bridges (London Bridge, Cannon Street Railway Bridge, Southwark Bridge & the Millennium Bridge) were officially lit in 2019 & the following five (Blackfriars Road Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, Golden Jubilee Footbridges, Westminster Bridge & Lambeth Bridge) were lit earlier this year.
See the Illuminated River By Boat
During the winter months our later sailings are the perfect opportunity to marvel at the Illuminated River. All of our sailings take place on comfortable passenger boats with outdoor decks, heated saloons & comfortable seating. Select sailings also have licensed café bars selling refreshments.
Our sailings do not run in the evening during the winter months, we advise checking our timetable to find a time that suits you. We also advise checking sunset times to ensure that your chosen day is dark enough for the bridges to be lit. For the best experience we recommend travelling after the 25th November & before the 23rd December 2021. We also recommend travelling on our last sailing from Greenwich Pier to Westminster Pier (a one-way sailing) or our last sailing from Westminster Pier to Tower Bridge Quay & back.
The Bridges
London Bridge

There has been a bridge across the River Thames on the site of London Bridge since Roman Britain. The current bridge is the fifth bridge to stand on this site and was opened by the Queen in 1973.
Cannon Street Railway Bridge

Pont de Southwark

Pont du millénaire

Le Millennium Bridge relie Bankside sur la rive sud à la ville de Londres au nord. Le pont a ouvert ses portes en juin 2000 et a reçu son surnom de « pont bancal » après qu'un mouvement de balancement inattendu l'a fait fermer. Après presque deux ans de modification, le pont a rouvert.
Blackfriars Road Bridge

Waterloo Bridge

Charing Cross Railway Bridge & Golden Jubilee Walkways

Westminster Bridge

Lambeth Bridge

Viscount Cruises » The Illuminated River Project
Mots Clés
- Toutes les Nouvelles
- Jetée de Bankside
- Jetée de Embankment
- Jetée de Festival
- Jetée de Greenwich
- Jours Fériés, Festivals et Événements
- réveillon de Nouvel an
- Chartes Privées
- Tourisme
- Offres Spéciales
- Tower Bridge Quay
- Croisière du Dimanche soir
- Barrière de la Tamise
- Thames River Sightseeing
- Jetée du Millénaire de Westminster
Viscount Cruises » The Illuminated River Project